Wednesday, January 12, 2011

X-Games Real Snow

Today ESPN released the 8 video for their new "Real Snow" competition. Here is ESPN's description of the event;
Following the success of August's Real Street contest, the first video-only contest at X Games, the "Real" series returns for its winter debut. For Real Snow, eight snowboarders submitted a 60-second exclusive video part filmed on urban terrain. The videos will be judged by a panel of industry pros. One winner who presents the best overall impression will be awarded a Winter X Games gold medal and $50,000. In addition, all the videos will be shown as part of the WX15 telecast on Jan. 29. In Aspen, all eight Real Snow athletes will come together for Snowboard Street, a jam session with a street set-up, where the medalists will be announced.

Now it's time to do your part. Each rider's segment has been set, tournament-style, in head-to-head brackets. Watch 'em throw down and determine which rider you think should advance. Winner of the fan favorite will be awarded $2,500.

I figure that like most all the past online voting events by ESPN, the results will be rigged (which has been pointed out before by YoBeat) and the best rider probably wont will but I voted anyways.


Here are my picks,

Round 1

√Nic Sauve -VS- Seth Huot

Neither of these riders have ever been a personal favorite of mine so I really have never paid much attention to them in the past. Nic's part had some big/sketchy wallrides which were cool, and his gaps over the front of the rail were pretty cool too. However his song was garbage not that the song should really matter. Seth had some cool stuff in his part too, his first three tricks got me hyped and his ender was some life or death shit. In the end I choose to vote for Nic because of the gap to back tail same way 270 he did. I still am in disbelief that he did that, the gap alone was really ballsy but then to do a back tail 270?? pretty nuts. Although neither of these guys are my cup of tea, I have to respect the level of risk that these two riders are putting themselves in to get a clip.

Round 2

Dan Brisse -VS- √Louis-Felix Paradis

I have always been a fan of both of these riders, both seem to be level headed, modest, down to earth guys who are just down to shred as much as possible. Brisse didn't disappoint with some of the sketchiest and gnarliest spots I have ever seen, plus some really cool titles. Sadly for Brisse Louif did not disappoint at all, his wallride to wallplant line was so greasy, the nosepress to drop onto a ledge was out of this world, the rail transfer was so gnarly/creative and of course the awning boardslide was my favorite. Pretty much every shot was perfect, I can't wait for Louifs part at the end of the year, I'm sure it will not disappoint at all.

Round 3

√JP Walker -VS- Simon Chamberlain

Both JP and Simon killed it for sure. Simon had some cool tricks in his part, however I felt like I had already seen them in his other video parts. The Don got my vote, mainly because of his wall ride transfer and his tricks on the roof. JP showing once again why he will always be a legend in snowboarding.

Jeremy Jones -VS- √Joe Sexton

Voted for Sexton without a doubt, he hit the biggest rails, did some creative lines, had some tech down rail tricks and have great style while still managing to not look like a total kook. This part has a little bit of everything which got me really hyped on him. I really want to see some laps of him riding Hyland, I'm sure it would be pretty bossy.

I couldn't pick a favorite but without a doubt Louif or Sexton should win this without a doubt.

On a side note does anyone ever miss this:

Seriously what happened?